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Industrial Application
The bactericidal and cleansing properties of the Envirolyte solutions allow a wide range of industrial applications.

 Food industry
  • Premises, processing equipment and work surfaces can be maintained at a high level of disinfection increasing efficiency.

  • The Envirolyte solutions also enhance the shelf life of fruit and vegetables.

 Office cleaning
  • Equipment and factory.

 Ships, planes and all floating vessels
  • The quality of the contents of drinking water tanks can be maintained in a fresh state and the effects of leaching neutralised.

 Printing, paper, photographic and dyeing wastes
  • Envirolyte solutions extractive qualities bleaches and cleanses wastes.

  • The needs of the breweries to clean/sterilise bottles and remove labels can be satisified by Envirolyte solutions which remove the need for use of chemicals.

 Effluent treatment
  • Heavy metal industry is facing the problem of treating their highly contaminated effluents in the water. The huge oxidising, neutralising and flocculation properties of Envirolyte solutions offer the industry an effective way to treat these difficult effluents and to reduce dissolved harmful substances to a minimal level, not comparable to any existing alternative.

 Cooling towers and air conditioners

Envirolyte solutions are an efficient antidote to the main causes of problems in cooling systems, air conditioners and humidifiers. Bacterial pollution, scaling in pipes and pipe corrosion can all be avoided by application of these products.

Envirolyte solutions prevent the growth of algae and anaerobic bacteria such as legionella that cause corrosion of piping and equipment, fungi, foul odours and lime problems.

Tous les droits réservés Sfax Tunisie @2012
Produced by: Wonder Solutions